BPM Double Delay - Tempo can be synchronised from host app. (Cubase 3.7 eg.)
Parametric EQ - Parameters with automation : Out, Filter Gain 1-3, Filter Frequency 1-3
Version 2.30 :
All effects - Support of mouse with dial (Microsoft InteliMouse and compatible) enabling very effective fine tuning of control element setting.
All effects - Final standardization of the Quick Presets menu.
All effects - Finalization of the Help.
All effects - Correction of minor GUI errors.
Modulation FX - New Output Format menu item for the selection of output format when processing a mono signal
Starting with Version 2.30, individual effects are only supplied as a set in Simple Audio Plug-In Pack I.
Version 2.20 :
Modulation FX and
BPM Double Delay - The manner of setting the parameters by means of the keyboard has been improved and so has the slider menu. Also the quick saving of new preset panel in the Quick Presets/Compare has been improved. The plug-in algorithm has been further optimized and speeded up.
Parametric EQ - The first distributed version
Simple Audio Plug-In Pack I - The first distributed version
Version 2.10 :
Modulation FX - Modified and extended options of presets. Faster algorithm start. Improved stability.